Chapter 20


Arriving back at the hotel they had sat in the lounge for an hour or so. Cocktail hour and well needed. The room was quite busy being that time of day. People back from their day out and drinks before they changed for dinner. Amy was sitting next to Mike but surprisingly  she seemed quite relaxed.

Jane said to Amy, “You looked a bit shaken when you got out of their car but you seem much better now.”

“I was, but more apprehensive than shaken. I just did not know what would happen. That big guy, George, he held me quite firmly but really you know he was quite gentle for such a big man. When they first got me into the car I was terrified. I was thrashing about, determined not to give them an easy time. George had trouble holding me still. When we got to the car park Andy calmed me down. He said I wasn't in any danger. That it was all a bluff. They were intending to release me unharmed even if you refused to give them the package and you know what, I really believed them. He’s actually quite nice is that Andy. There was no malice. He had that gun but I don’t think he ever intended to use it. I actually think he’s quite a gentle person. He told me he was brought up to respect women and would not harm me. Anyway he didn’t and if it was a bluff it worked.”

Mike said, “I thought that but then that big fella….I was just not sure. Though if we’d tried anything people would have got hurt. We may have got you back in one piece but someone would have been hurt for sure. The way it all ended up is the best result.”

“But you’ve lost the chance of buying that hotel, haven’t you.?”

Mike said, “Probably but that will depend on what Mr Bennet's new price is. He’s a greedy man and that’s what this is all about - to extract the maximum price he can. We’ve got some wriggle room but I’m sure it won’t be enough. The man’s that greedy. It’s not worth dwelling on until the whole thing has played out. Then we’ll see. The main thing is you're safe and your problem has gone away. I’m sure Andy and George will be on a train and back in London sometime soon.”

Jane said, “So when we’ve finished the drinks shall we get changed and meet down here for dinner about 7.30. I suppose you don’t need to stay in this hotel now that the danger from Andy has gone away.”

Eddie said, “Hang on a minute. I’m here now and getting used to a bit of comfort and great company. We’ll stay if that’s OK. I’m sure I speak for Mike as well. Oh and Amy by the looks of those two.”

“That’s it then,” said Jane, “We meet at 7.30.”

When they were in their room Eddie said, “D’you think the hotel thing will happen then Mike?”

Mike replied, “In reality, no. But we can hope, can’t we? We won’t give up just yet. Let Gary think it’s all going through and in a few days we’ll know for sure.”

“Amy asked about you and I told her all your dirty secrets. About your cowboy stare.”

“Thanks for that. Not about the nightmares though?”

“No but I did tell Jane.”

“You have been busy letting the world know all my secrets. She’ll tell Amy, won’t she?”

“Of course she will. That’s what girls do. Amy’s gotta know sometime and it’s best coming from Jane. Don’t worry so much. If it's going to just let it all happen.”

“But I’m so nervous. What’ll I do if….you know and I get the nightmares. You know what it’s like. You’ve always been there.”

“Not all the time though. Only when it’s real bad. Then I put you back together. You know I love you Mike like a brother. I’d do anything for you. This time though it’s up to you. Trust me. I’ve a great feeling about Amy. My instincts are working overtime. You gotta take a chance. The world is built on chance and luck and this is the one lucky chance you can’t afford to miss. It’s your one-off opportunity. At some point you’ll have to let it all go and now's that time. I just know it. Sure I’m here when it’s bad but what you need’s someone all the time. Someone who’ll love you better. Don’t blow this Mike. Not this time. She’s just perfect.”

Neil was standing next to their table waiting for Jane to stop talking before he spoke, “Would you like to order wine?” he said looking at Mike.

Mike looked up from reading the menu, “You all want wine?” he said. 

“Not for me. I’ll have a gin and tonic with double gin.” said Eddie.

“That’s a turn up. What’s up?”

“I’m widening my parameters. Just wait for the food order. I’m having fish so long as it comes with chips. But I don’t want any of those creepy brown things you had last night Mike.”

“We’ll drink white if that’s OK,” said Jane.

Mike ordered a white Rioja then said to Amy, “Feel better after a hot shower?”

“Yes, sure. I feel great.” She smiled at Mike and touched his hand. The gesture was fleeting but the meaning was huge and it didn’t go unnoticed.

“Eddie said to Jane, “You were saying earlier about how you had only just met Jane that it was complicated. Do you want to talk about it now?”

Jane said, “why not. It’s got to be said sometime and now’s as good a time as any. Where shall I start?”

“At the beginning would be best,” said Eddie.

So while they ate Jane told them the whole story. About their grandmothers and the two GIs. That they were thieves stealing petrol that was not so difficult because the US army was awash with it. The trouble with the London villains. The diamonds and how they were hidden somewhere in Sidmouth and that was why they were really here. To find the diamonds. She told them about Amy and how she had tracked her down and who she was. Then when they had finished eating she said, “I tell you what I’ll go and get the folder with all the photos and letters. You’re detectives so maybe you can make sense of it all.” 

When she returned she laid everything out on the table, “This is the note that my grandfather gave to my grandmother. It’s the same as the one Amy has. 

Mike picked it up and read it out loud, “Just so you know they are where Dave sleeps. At the end of his bed. Hidden in a tin. Behind his head. Not too deep. Dave says he hopes you never have to look for them because he’ll be back.”

Eddie said, “Makes no sense to me. What d’you think Mike?”

“I don’t know….I’ll have to give it some thought. I’ll sleep on it and see what pops up.”

Jane said, “What we need is a change of luck.”

“When the tide comes in, luck will change. That’s it isn’t it Jane?” and Mike and Eddie both frowned at her, “Just a saying,” she said.

Eddie said, “He’s good at mysteries. He’ll sort it out. It’s what he does in his sleep. Process stuff and spit out the answers in the morning.” He looked at Jane who caught his eye, “anyway. I’m going to get the car. Maybe I’ll have a few with Gary if that’s alright with you lot. Thaw him out a bit. He’s a guy with his brain in the deep freeze who doesn’t know how to turn it off. That’s what happens when your world walks out the door. If we get stuck into it I'll probably stay there and see you here for breakfast. After all, that room’s paid up for a few days yet.”

Jane said, “And I’m whacked and off to bed.”

Amy said, “I’m not. I’m still buzzing from all today’s exhilaration. Do you want a nightcap Mike?”

Mike said, “Sure,” and ordered two brandies. 

“How’d you know I like brandy?”

“I just know. There’s no mystery.”

 “That’s right….Eddie told me all about you and the spooky way you stare at people. Transfer all those thought waves. Know what people drink. I think you must’ve some of that tele what's it stuff.”

“Telepathy. Yeah I’m full of it. Can’t you feel it pressing down on your head. I’m making you do all the things that I want you to do. See I just made you take a sip of that brandy. Now I’m going to tell you to ask me for another.”

“That’s amazing. What’re you going to make me do next?”

“I don’t know. Maybe get you to cure my nerves.”

“You got nerves. I don’t believe it. A big strong fella like you full of a load of nerves.”

“Sure. Big and strong outside. Nerves inside. That’s me. A night time bundle of nerves.”

She rested her hand on his leg and said, “I’m a tough no nonsense girl. I eat up nerves and spit ‘em out. Stick with me and they’ll all disappear.”

She was stroking his leg now, “I feel that Tele stuff real strong now and I can tell what it’s saying. ‘Eddies away so Mike can play’. He’s a great guy is Eddie. So sling that down your neck and come on. My room. We’ve got nerves to kill.”

They did it slow. She could feel his tension and she worked it out of him. She kissed him soft and removed his shirt. Then stroked his chest and took off her blouse. She kissed him harder and he wrapped her up. They fell on the bed laughing. He stripped her clothes. She pulled off his trousers. Laughing. Then they paused and he stared her in the eyes. “That’s it” she murmured, taking hold of his head and pulling him close. “That’s exactly what I want.” Then the lights went out.

It was the darkest time of night when the whole world was silent. Amy stirred. She could feel the tension. His body taught. On his back. Sweating. He was asleep and muttering. Then twisting and turning. She lay on her side and put her hand on his chest. She pulled up close and put her head on his shoulder and whispered. She stroked his chest and whispered some more. Almost silently into his ear. Soothing words. He settled and his tension eased. His sleep continued with shallow breathing.

As she was drifting off she thought that she had only known him a day. Then thought, what difference did that make? She had known a lot of men a lot longer and they had all let her down. But this one was different. She already felt she knew him. He was gentle and vulnerable. Even though she had known him for only one day this was a man she wanted to be with. This was a man who she could care for and love for the rest of her life. He was what she needed. And she snuggled in close and went to sleep. 

In the morning Mike was awake and up when she woke up. He said, “how did you sleep?” 

“Absolutely fine.” she replied and smiled at him. “How about you?”

“I had the best night for a long time. I didn’t have any nightmares that I can remember.”

“That’s good. Let’s just keep it that way shall we. Right. Showers then down to meet the others. Are you going back to your room?”

“I think I will it’ll be easier. I need to change. What shall I give it? Thirty minutes then I’ll knock for you?” And Amy nodded.


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