Chapter 16

There was no real reason to rush, he knew that but Mike was twitchy, “Come on get a move on will you I’m ready to go.” he said.

“OK hang onto it for a bit longer. I’m nearly done. There’s time.”

“I know but we need to get moving. I want to get there with plenty of spare. I’ve that pickpocket in the back of my mind as well. We don’t know what time he starts work, do we? He might already be on the prowl.”

It was 7.45 and fifteen minutes for breakfast was pushing it for Eddie. Mike knew that but also thought there was no point hanging about. Get there early and make sure.

Eddie said, “One more slice?”

“Spread it and eat on the hoof. We’re outta here now. We can’t let this slip for a slice of toast.”

Mike pushed back his chair, stood up and moved towards the door giving Eddie no choice but to stand up as he quickly spread butter and marmalade kind of hanging over the table, took a quick last sip of coffee almost on the move, threw a thanks at the server and chased down the hall after Mike. “Coming Boss,'' he yelled through crumbs. “Slow down a bit can you.”

At 7.45 the town was not too busy. Just workers moving about. All the tourists were still getting up or looking into coffee cups. Mike set a fair pace walking through the morning greyness along the esplanade. The sea was quiet and flat. Just a little slop of the waves. It was peaceful but felt like the day might struggle to get going. Twenty minutes later and they were marching up the drive towards The Grand.

“No Henry,” said Eddie.

“Way too early.”

“Yeah no one here yet to not open doors for. Wonder what time a doorman starts.”

“Nine I’d say. That’s a good doorman time of day.”

“Oh yeah. Why not 8.30?”

“Nine coincides with peak breakfast. That makes sense.”

“This door’s a pain. All this winding round. Why do they have them?”

Mike said, “They provide a sort of airlock. Stops the cold air going in. Look where this place is situated. On a hill with all that wind heading straight up the road. Cold in the winter. These doors stop that cold air getting in so much. Open and shut a normal door and there’s a blast of cold wind follows you in. Also gets lots of people in and out when it's busy.”

“You should be on TV on a brain of smartass competition or something. All the stuff you know. How d’you know so much?”

“You know all that downtime we had on tour when you were just flicking cards in a hat and drinking beer and eating nuts and chocolate. I was reading. But then I forget you can’t read.”

“Ha Ha I read real good. I look at all the pictures.”

They were through the doors and saw Paul behind the reception look up and come round the desk towards them.

“Morning gentlemen,” he said, “The ladies are expecting you and asked me to sit you in the lounge. This way please,” and without giving them any other option turned and walked towards the doors to the lounge. “Please sit here and I’ll tell the ladies you’re here.”

Eddie said, “How’d you like that? They….expecting us. How does that work? And what’s this ladies thing? I thought she was on her own.”

“I don't know. I don’t see how she can know about us. The hotel might have told her two men here but how does she know who we are? It’s very intriguing but helpful. It says a lot; Jane Somerton is smart, she’s not fazed by us, she’s not given up the package yet, she's with a friend and she’s safe. And it gets us in contact without us having to blag our way through reception. Interesting to see how this pans out for sure.”

The shower was dripping when the phone rang so Jane wrapped a towel and went quickly into the room and picked up the phone that was sitting on the dressing table. She heard Paul say the men were here and he had told them to wait in the lounge. He had told them they were expected and hoped that was right. Then she said, “Thanks Paul. That’s perfect. We'll be about fifteen minutes. Can you get them coffee and put it on my bill.” Then she picked up the phone and dialled Amy’s room number. There was no answer so she picked up the hair drier for the five minute blast it took flicking her hair about then dialled again. Amy answered and said she had been in the shower then Jane told her ten minutes and hung up.

She was nervous. A thousand questions were going through her head. She put on her makeup. She did not need much, just something to add a bit of definition. To sharpen up her best bits. That calmed her. She dressed carefully. Knee length blue dress and white cardigan. Medium heels that clicked on the hard floor. The pendant diamond around her neck she always wore. It had been her grandmother’s then her mother’s and the last of the diamonds Frank had given her grandmother. She opened the safe and took out the package and put it in her bag. She felt it would be good to get rid of it.  A look in the mirror and a brush down to straighten the dress then out of the door to see Amy leaving her room. She felt nervous again.

Amy said, “Are you alright? you look a bit tense.”

“No, I'm so nervous. How should we do this? I just don’t know....”

“Best way….let them do the talking. They start off the conversation and we just follow on from there. Let it all become clear before we say much. First rule of negotiation. Speak then stay quiet and wait. Don’t elaborate. They’ll tell us soon enough what the deal is.”

“How do you know all that?”

“My father had a garage and sold cars. He told me. Start to elaborate and you start digging and before you know it the hole’s too deep to get out of.”

Jane took Amy’s hand and squeezed it and said, “Thanks.” nothing else, just thanks. It was one of those wordless moments.

Then Jane said, “I’ve got the package.”

“Is that wise? What if this gets….well you know.”

“If they’re genuine I just want to get rid of it. I would give it to them anyway so why not bring it?”

“That sounds logical….Right,” said Amy as they started down the last flight of stairs still holding hands, “A few deep ones and here we go.”

As they walked across the foyer a man in a navy jacket went by and Paul said, “Morning ladies if you need anything just shout. I’ve put coffee on the table with four cups.”

Jane said, “Thanks Paul,” as they walked through the lounge doors letting go of their hands and Amy just simply said in a really relaxed way, “Morning you guys,” looking Mike in the eyes as he stood up holding her stare. This’ll surprise him, she thought. 

“They’ll be about fifteen minutes and asked me to get you coffee,” Paul said as he took the pot from the tray then set out four cups, sugar and milk.

“Got any biscuits? Chocolate would be nice.” said Eddie.

“Just out of interest what time does your doorman start?” said Mike.

“Nine sir. That's when people start to go out.” And Mike winked a told you at Eddie.

“Chocolate biscuits eh….You know there’s something really wrong with you,” said Mike, “You want some of this?”

“Sure why not,” said Eddie watching Paul return with a small plate of chocolate biscuits. He smiled a thanks and picked one up, “nice. Nice place. It’s got real style.”

It was just approaching 8.30 when they saw the two ladies coming through the doors and into the lounge.

Eddie said, “Here they come….well what do you know. See who’s with Jane Somerton. It’s that dark haired girl who took a liking to your cowboy stare. The one at reception.”

“Yeah. So that’s how they knew we were here. She must’ve heard what we said.”

“But that still doesn’t answer the question about how she knows who we are, does it?”

“Half the mystery solved then.”

They both stood as the ladies arrived and Mike said, “morning ladies. You want some of your coffee?” He was looking at Amy holding her eyes and she felt his stare. They all sat down with Jane making sure she could just about see the reception desk through the lounge doors and saw Paul talking to a smartly dressed man in a navy jacket.

“My name’s Mike Dobson and this is Eddie Hanson. We’re private investigators,” he said and showed his ID, “I know who you are Jane, if I can call you Jane,” and she nodded, “bBut who’s your friend.”

Jane said, “this is Amy. We’re old family friends.” which was kind of true. Mike looked at Amy and gave her a real solid smile.

Mike continued, “There’s lots I need to explain. We are working for a large PLC involving information procurement. We had an exchange set at Waterloo station on Saturday morning. Information for money. The information was in a packet that was lifted from me by a pickpocket. I saw him and chased him. Eddie caught him but not before he had unloaded the packet into your Tote bag. Eddie saw him pass close to you. He was standing at the entrance to the taxi rank exit. We tried to catch up with you but were held at the barrier as your train was leaving. I believe you have the packet in your bag and we would very much appreciate it being returned. By the way, how did you know who we are?” 

Jane said, “I saw Eddie at the station when I arrived as I came in from the taxi. He had a long lens camera and was taking pictures across the concourse. Then I saw both of you at the barrier when my train was leaving. Amy described you when you were at reception yesterday. She heard you ask for me and….well you know….two and two and all that stuff.” Then she said, “How did you find out where I was going?”

“That was not too difficult. Eddie saw you enter the station. He’s an eye for good looking ladies. You came in from the taxi drop off so we tracked your taxi driver. You should know his price was a grand so he holds you in high esteem.”

“Want a chocolate biscuit. They’re real good,” Eddie said and Amy laughed and the ice was broken.

Mike said, “There’s more though. We saw the pickpocket yesterday in Sidmouth about 4.30 in the afternoon. That can’t be a coincidence. He’d put the packet in your bag and wants it back. That’s for sure. Why is another matter. We think he’s working for our source who was trying the old double pay routine. Hand over, steal back then resell. The pickpocket probably has a big payday coming if he gets the package. That means he could be a problem.”

Jane said, “If I give you the package will he go away?”

“He won’t know that we’ve got it, so until he does, no. We don’t know where he’s staying otherwise we’d warn him off. There’s a good chance he will try and contact you.”

“Is he dangerous?” Amy said.

“I don’t know that. I don’t think rough stuff is really his thing. But where cash is concerned people can slip out of their comfort zone. And the more cash that’s involved the wilder things can get and they can quickly get out of hand and dangerous. It would’ve needed a good sum for him to be persuaded to come here. He’s sure to expect us to be around and he’s already met Eddie and didn't like it.” Both Jane and Amy looked at Eddie and he just beamed back and they understood.

“What do you think Amy? Should I give them the package?” Jane said.

Amy replied, “I think these two are genuine so you should. It’ll get it away from us and if this pickpocket fella does appear you can legitimately say you haven’t got it.”

Reaching into her bag Jane pulled out the package and handed it to Mike. “What should we do now?” she said.

“I’m really concerned in case the guy has a go at you. If it’s alright with you I think we should at least accompany you for a while. Maybe move in here just to be on the safe side.”

Jane looked at Amy and Amy said looking at Mike, “That’s OK with me. Let’s go and see Paul and sort you two a room then shall we have breakfast?”

As they came out of the lounge they did not see Andy Cronin leave through the revolving door. 


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